There have been several reports that Adolf Hitler was a secret Rothschild (link), but all the evidence so far has been rather circumstanstial rather than actual physical evidence, with no-one taking a formulated look at his heritage until now.
Over the past six years I've researched some conspiracy theories which have some profound answers, but none which have been thought provoking (or elusive) as the Adolf Hitler which we think we know.
Lets start with the facts, Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 to parents Alois Hitler (nee Shicklgruber) and Klara Polzl (12 August 1860 – 21 December 1907)
The name Adolf comes from the old German word for majestic wolf, perhaps that means he is literally a wolf in sheeps clothing, not forgetting also that in Tarot Cards ( a secret message system for Hebrews based on the Torah) there are two cards with the wolf on it, the moon ( #18), and the wheel of fortune (#10).
For those of you who read my blog regularly you'll know that these numbers refer to passages in The Book Of Revelations and Book Of Ezekiel:
The most interesting biblical reference is Ezekiel 18:10 which reads "Suppose he has a violent son, who sheds blood or does any of these other things"
Nothing concrete, but what is interesting to know is that in Roman tradition, a wolf was responsible for the childhood survival of the future founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. The twin babies were ordered to be killed by their great uncle Amulius. The servant ordered to kill them, however, relented and placed the two on the banks of the Tiber river.
The river, which was in flood, rose and gently carried the cradle and
the twins downstream, where under the protection of the river deity Tiberinus, they would be adopted by a she-wolf known as Lupa in Latin, an animal sacred to Mars. As a consequence, the Italian Wolf is the national animal of the modern Italian Republic. Given that Adolf Hitler was a known Roman Catholic then this ties in, not forgetting also that Mars is the Roman God of war suggesting that he was nothing more than a pre-ordained pawn in someone else's game.
But what about the name Hitler? Hitler is a changed version of Hüttler or Hiedler, which means someone who makes a Hut (Hütte). In biblical symbolism a hut (or a lodge) is a shed for a watchman in a garden ( Isaiah 1:8 )
Isaiah 1:8 Daughter Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under siege.
The watchmen? Ezekiel 33 ( a known freemasonary number) is entitled Renewal of Ezekiel's Call as watchmen. The name Freemason comes from the number 3 and the word mayzim, an anagram of the Hebrew word Zayim meaning the number 7, which becomes 7-7-7, and suddenly the Zionist connection starts to rear it's ugly head. The symbolism of the cucumber shouldn't be overlooked either for the cucumber is a symbol of Christianity (an explanation can be found here), which means he was Zionist in a field of Christianity
For me the biggest link to the Zionist Rothschild family doesn't come from Adolf himself, but his father Alois, for Alois was the man who changed the family name from Shicklgruber to Hitler. Alois was born on 7 June 1837 to an unmarried peasant girl Maria Ann Shicklgruber. At the time of his birth Maria was working in Vienna, in the house of Salomon Mayer Von Rothschild. In the 19th century, Vienna was a heavily populated Jewish city, and as was the law in 1837 all servants had to registered with the local authorites, there is a record which proves Maria was in the servitude at the time of Alois' birth but so far I've not been able to find it, but what is thought provoking is that Alois date of conception, nine months previous is somewhere around September 7 1836, which gives the number (Septem is the Latin word for seven) 77 a known Zionist number since 7 x 11 is 77 (King Solomon was the 11th child of the 7th wife of King David).
The meaning of the name Alois comes from the old German word for famous warrior, proving that along with the date of his conception, he was manipulated by outside forces into changing the family name to Hitler, there is a theory, a loose theory that the name Shicklgruber means fate/destiny, if this is the case then we have a famous warrior with destiny in his hands, but for me the most damning piece of evidence is the actual date of the name change, when he, registered the name change at the government office in Mistelbach in 1877 transforming him into "Alois Hitler". Look closely at the number 1877, and you will find the number 77 once again, proving beyond doubt that it was a Zionist change, not his own doing. and once this was done then the wheels of history were sent hurtling towards not one, but two World Wars, for the sake of a Zionist puppetmaster. The last pause for thought before summing up, is that Rothschilds are descended from Ashkenazi Jews, the real origin of the word Nazi, they claim to be working in the best interests of Israel when in actuality they are descended from Georgia and are only working for themselves.
Although Adolf Hitler should not be absolved of what he did, we ought to think of those who controlled him, manipulated him to do their bidding, for those are the men who have more blood on their hands than humanly possible. The Zionists, Freemasons, and all subsiduary secret societies should be accountable for their actions, but I guess through power, money, they never will be, to those men who believe they are men of God I would like to quote a passage from the bible:
Matthew 6:20-24 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
I know who you are, what you are doing, and the whole world is waking up to your callous nature, your days as power hungry, warmongering men are coming slowly to an end, I hope that the world see's you the way I do, pure unadulterated evil.
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