This is a bit of a carry on from previous posts which illuminate the Rothschild's were directly responsible for planning and carrying out the Twin Tower attacks in order to begin building a new Babylonian Empire.

To understand why these people are so dangerous are you have to do is look at the name they carry.

Rothschild is said to mean Red Shield, but more worrying their family symbol is a RED Seal of Solomon.

Solomon's Seal
Solomon's Seal (Photo credit:

The biblical symbolism of the Red Shield should not be overlooked though: a shield means protection against evils and falsities, where as the main symbolism of the color red is judgement and warfare, put the two together and you get judgement and warfare to protect against evils and falsities. What evil? What falsities?

The answer is in the seal itself, for it was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which gave him the power to command demons, controlled by the devil (Lucifer, Satan) , as an army who serve him, so the Rothschild's family symbol means they controlled demons as a general would an army.

In alchemy the Seal of Solomon represents all that is unified in perfect balance; the Spirit Wheel or Merkabah

Merkabah mysticism (or Chariot mysticism) is a school of Jewish mysticism centered on visions such as found in Ezekiel ( a known key component to under stand the World Trade attack : Ezekiel 7:11 -Violence has arisen, a rod to punish the wicked. None of the people will be left, none of that crowd — none of their wealth, nothing of value)

  1. Man - Nimrod
  2. Ox[Bull] - the symbol of the light-bearer, Lucifer
  3. Lion - King Of Babylon[Power] 
  4. Eagle - Sun God[Shamash - Justice]
 Lucifer and Nimrod the same - The King of Tyre, Nimrod of Babylon & Lucifer{Nimrod's secret cult, is now Freemasonry}

There  is a Babylonian deity, a protective deity (a protector of King Of Babylon), made from a bull or lion's body, eagle's wings, and human's head called Lamassu.

A lamassu from the palace of Sargon II at Dur-...
A lamassu from the palace of Sargon II at Dur-Sharrukin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So who is protecting the one who calls himself the King of Babylon, The Rothschild family?
  1. Man[Nimrod] - Rothschild
  2. Bull - Russia
  3. Lion - Israel
  4. Eagle -America
Put the two together and what you get makes very interesting reading:
  1. Man[Nimrod] - Rothschild
  2. Russia - The light-bearer, Lucifer
  3. Israel - Seat of Power
  4. America - Justice
The family Rothschild see themselves as the former Babylonian ruler Nimrod. The worrying part is the remaining three descriptions; Russia the light bearer (ties in with the bear sign), Israel where they are known to have a compound from which they rule the world, and America which they use to perform acts of justice for them. Remember that when Russia and America flex their military muscle over Iran or another country, they are both working to protect the same family, 
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