Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in three
administrations, who earned his Ph.D. at MIT, has revealed that he has
been told by a high-ranking general–whom I believe to have been Gen.
Richard Myers–that 9/11 was a “false flag” attack, which was done by the
government in order to arouse the American people to support wars of
aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq.
If this guy is right, the Book Of Ezekiel should make very interesting reading (which it does):
Ezekiel 2: Ezekiel’s Call to Be a Prophet
Ezekiel 5: God’s Razor of Judgment
Ezkiel 7:25 When terror comes, they will seek peace in vain.
Although my prophecy was slightly wrong, if this date is correct then it also
becomes 7/11 which means only one thing the Rothschilds:
(7[2+5=7]7) making 77 which 7 x 11
Don't forget that flight 77 was the aircraft which allegedly flew into the Pentagon, who surprise surprise had it's ground breaking ceremony on September 11th 1941.
To see the full EZEKIEL CODE buy my new novel CHARIOT OF JUSTICE which explains, Twin Towers, trouble in the middle east, 666 number of the beast, MABUS, Dante 515, Holy Grail, Biblical prophecies, secret societies, false flag operations, hitler, world war two, and many other hot bed, need to know topics:
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